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ctx #

Constants #

const err_code_ctx_key = context.Key('status_code')

used internally in router

fn error_route #

fn error_route(req &Req, mut res Resp)

fn get_error_status_code #

fn get_error_status_code(req &Req) int

type HandlerFunc #

type HandlerFunc = fn (req &Req, mut res Resp)

type MiddlewareFunc #

type MiddlewareFunc = fn (mut req Req, mut res Resp)

enum SameSite #

enum SameSite {

struct FormData #

struct FormData {
pub mut:
	filename     string
	content_type string
	content      []u8

struct Req #

struct Req {
pub mut:
	body      []u8
	method    string
	path      string
	params    map[string]string
	headers   map[string][]string
	raw_query string
	boundary  string
	ctx       context.Context

Server request data

fn (Req) parse_cookies #

fn (req &Req) parse_cookies() !map[string]Cookie

parse_cookies parses the Cookie header content and returns the content. Returns an error if the header is not present.

fn (Req) parse_files #

fn (req &Req) parse_files() !map[string][]FormData

parse_files parses the multipart/form-data content-type

fn (Req) parse_form #

fn (req &Req) parse_form() !map[string]string

parse_form parses the body based on its provided content-type and returns the output of it. Supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and application/json content types. Returns an error if the body is blank, the "Content-Type" header is not present, or the content type header is not supported.

fn (Req) parse_headers #

fn (mut req Req) parse_headers(raw_headers []string)

parse_headers parses and injects the raw_headers into the request struct. Used internally by the router.

fn (Req) parse_query #

fn (req &Req) parse_query() ?map[string]string

parse_query parses the raw query string from the request and returns a map of strings

struct Resp #

struct Resp {
pub mut:
	body        []u8
	status_code int = 200
	headers     map[string][]string = ctx.default_headers
	stopped     bool

Server response data

fn (Resp) headers_bytes #

fn (res &Resp) headers_bytes() []u8

fn (Resp) permanent_redirect #

fn (mut res Resp) permanent_redirect(url string)

fn (Resp) redirect #

fn (mut res Resp) redirect(url string)

redirect writes a 301 response and redirects to the specified url or location

fn (Resp) send #

fn (mut res Resp) send(body string, status_code int)

send writes the body and status code to the response data.

fn (Resp) send_file #

fn (mut res Resp) send_file(filename string, status_code int)

send_file writes the contents of the file to the response data.

fn (Resp) send_html #

fn (mut res Resp) send_html(ht string, status_code int)

send_html writes the body to the response data as an HTML content

fn (Resp) send_json #

fn (mut res Resp) send_json[T](payload T, status_code int)

send_json is a generic function that encodes the payload and writes the JSON string to the response data.

fn (Resp) send_status #

fn (mut res Resp) send_status(status_code int)

send_status sends an HTML response of the status code

fn (Resp) set_cookies #

fn (mut resp Resp) set_cookies(cookies map[string]Cookie)

fn (Resp) stop #

fn (mut res Resp) stop()

stop terminates the response